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Take Action Now to counter political lobbying by pro chipping Dogs Trust

Check back here for action you can take to stop proposals to compulsarily chip all dogs. Even if you are not a dog owner please get involved - the implications of animal chipping will affect you too.

[ A number of sample letters against microchipping can be found on the Noble Leon website at: ]

1. Contact your MP / prospective parliamentary candidates - ask them to vote against compulsory dog chipping should a Bill be introduced in Parliament

Use the below form to get a list of your local representatives (you will be redirected to the website)


2. Submit a response to the 2012 DEFRA Consultation on 'Tackling irresponsible dog ownership'. Note: the consultation applies to England only. The consultation lists "Proposal 1: A requirement that all dogs are microchipped" and states:

Our preferred option is to introduce a requirement that all puppies are microchipped. This means that all puppies would have to be microchipped before they are sold or gifted, together with any puppies retained as a pet or for breeding. The minimum recommended age for a puppy to be sold or gifted is 8 weeks. The person selling, exchanging or giving the puppy away would need to chip it and register the puppies details, their details and those of the purchaser on a microchip database before the transfer of ownership (analogous to notifying change of ownership of a car).

See our Dog Manifesto for details of the implications of compulsory dog chipping.

Send a short response to:

Address: Dangerous Dogs Team, Animal Welfare, Area 8B, 9 Millbank, c/o 17 Smith Square, London, SW1P 3JR
Or send an Email to
Or complete the consultation online at:
The consultation ends 15th June 2012

More details of the consultation can be found at:

You do not have to answer the DEFRA questionaire - you can just send them your thoughts on compulsory dog chipping (you could state that you are answering questions 1 to 3 of the consultation specifically).

If you care about this issue please spare a few moments to take part in the consultation. So few people take part in public consultations that it can be easy to change the result of the consultation.

3. Write a letter to your local newspaper outlining some of your concerns about dog chipping. Most newspapers allow you to submit a letter via email.

4. Write a letter to an animal charity. Several of the animal charities either support or have actively lobbied the government to introduce compulsory dog chipping. Write to them. Tell them how disappointed you are at their action and encourage them to look at the issue again. Ask them to consider alternatives to a micro-chip law. Hopefully the information on this site will assist you. Below are the contact details of some of the charities that have come out in favour of compulsory chipping.

Customer Services Coordinator, Wilberforce Way, Southwater, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 9RS
Tel: 0300 1234 555
Via the web:

Dogs Trust
17 Wakley Street, London, EC1V 7RQ
Tel: Call 0207 837 0006
Via the web on their contact us form:

Blue Cross head office
Shilton Road, Burford, Oxon OX18 4PF
Tel: 01993 822651
Fax: 01993 823083